From: Vincent Smeets <>

Using journalctl, I see the following error:

panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x564a9d3a2158]
goroutine 439 [running]:, 0xc4212bddb8, 0xc4212bdc00)

Hans, do you also see the same logs in the journal? (trying to be sure it's the same issue)

docker-ce builds against armon/go-radix e39d623f12e8e41c7b5529e9a9dd67a1e2261f80, Jan 2015 [1] builds against armon/go-radix v1.0, Aug 2018 [2], as you can see with:

  $ rmadison golang-github-armon-go-radix-dev
  golang-github-armon-go-radix-dev | 1.0.0-1                     | stable     | all   golang-github-armon-go-radix-dev | 1.0.0-1                     | unstable   | all

That could be the issue. Now, I don't know if you hit a bug in go-radix v1.0, or if you hit an incompatibility between docker and the version v1.0 of go-radix.


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