Control: retitle -1 Upgrade clang/llvm version used for postgresql-11

Re: Asher Gordon 2019-09-14 <>
> Unless postgresql-server-dev-11 depends specifically on version 7 of
> clang for a reason, the dependencies should be corrected to clang and
> llvm-dev which depend on the defaults in Debian.


it's a strict dependency because postgresql-11 is linked against a
specific version of libllvm, used for JIT compilation of SQL queries
using LLVM bitcode. I haven't really looked around myself, but from
talking to Andres Freund who implemented the JIT engine on the
PostgreSQL side, the bitcode files are probably specific to the llvm
version, so we make that a strict dependency to make sure the
PostgreSQL extension modules are compiled using the same clang version
as the server itself.

About the version used, 9 is around the corner so I'd prefer moving
from 7 to 9, instead of upgrading to 8 now, and then upgrading again
in the next weeks/month. I'll leave this bug around as a reminder that
we need to do that upgrade.


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