On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 08:36:38PM +0200, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> On Wed, 2019-09-25 at 12:49 +0100, Tim Marston wrote:
> > Setting XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs to point to a
> > directory with a lot of stuff in it (other than $HOME, it seems) causes
> > delays to Thunar startup that can very easily spiral in to minutes,
> > hours...
> > 
> > Issue was not present before xfce 4.14 update.
> Does it depend on the content of the folder? Is there a specific file in that
> folder which makes Thunar choke on it or something? Does stracing the Thunar
> process gives a bit of information?


I have the same problem with XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR pointing to $HOME/Desktop
(I didn't want random programs to create a useless $HOME/Templates).

I can't find a single file causing the issue, but my home contains some
subdirs with cross-symlinks causing recursive loops (it's basically a copy
of /sys/devices/system/{node,cpu} contents).
Thunar grows to 2GB of resident memory and doesn't seem to ever end
(I killed it after several minutes) with those 2500 files/dirs/symlinks.

If I remove those files and create 100 subdirs with 100 files each,
Thunar starts reasonably quickly (3-4 seconds).
If I create a symlink to a grandparent directory in there, the issue
comes back.

So in my case, it looks like the issue is Thunar not handling recursive
symlinks properly in the template directory.


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