Nicholas D Steeves wrote:
> On Tue, 24 Sep 2019 at 01:54, Trent W. Buck <> wrote:
>> In the attached file, yaml-mode indents the multi-line strings incorrectly.
>> Please fix indentation for multi-line strings.
>> (At least, ansible complains about the tab stops that yaml-mode suggests.
>>  I don't know speak yaml fluently, so I may have missed something obvious.)
> I'm not familiar with Ansible's syntactic requirements, but the
> provided example doesn't look right to me.  Here is a link to a few of
> the different ways to do multiline strings in YAML:

Thanks --  I learned about this after creating the bug report.


    # Ref.
    - hosts: all
        - action: augeas commands='ins ForwardAgent before 
"/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/ForwardAgent" "yes"'

        - action: augeas commands='
            ins ForwardAgent before "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
            set "/files/etc/ssh/sshd_config/ForwardAgent" "yes"


    - hosts: all
      - augeas:
          commands: |
            set /files/etc/lvm/lvm.conf/backup/dict/backup_dir/str  
            set /files/etc/lvm/lvm.conf/backup/dict/archive_dir/str 

I'm 99% sure I tested all syntaxes and confirmed they all edited lvm.conf 

Since the "after" notation works, is easier to read, and is already
indented correctly by yaml-mode, I no longer care about this ticket.

> Also, if it would make your work easier I'm willing to package this:
> Please file a wnpp bug and include me in the X-Debbugs-CC if you'd
> like me to get to work on that ansible mode.

Thanks, I did not know about this.  I had a quick look.

Its documentation doesn't list the features / benefits over plain yaml-mode.

>From reading the source, it looks like it provides
 * keyword highlighting (useful),
 * autocompletion of keywords (not useful), and
 * yasnippets templates (not useful).

It depends on packages named simply "s" and "f" (oy!), but
those appear to be in Debian already (elpa-s and elpa-f).
I installed those then did

    emacs -nw -q \
        -l emacs-ansible/ansible.el \
        -eval "(require 'yaml-mode)" \
        cyber-ansible/Cyber-BCP.yaml \
        -eval '(ansible +1)'

...and yeah OK, there's more color.  It treats "name: xxxx" specially,
and it tries to recognize the embedded jinja2 {{}} {%%} crap without
actually resorting to using an actual jinja major mode (via mumamo or

I guess elpa-ansible would be useful to me, but
not enough to put you to any significant trouble.
I'll file an RFP and let you decide whether to action it. :-)

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