On Thu, 10 Oct 2019 06:30:52 -0700, tony mancill wrote:

> I have recently started observing build failures for packages that use
> jh_manifest (which is part of Debian's javahelper).  All of the failures
> I have seen so far have the same symptom, namely that the manifest
> cannot be extracted from the JAR, which is actually a Zip archive.  

Thanks for mentioning this issue.

> >    jh_classpath
> > error: No member named $memberName 
> >  at /usr/share/perl5/Archive/Zip/Archive.pm line 411.
> >     
> > Archive::Zip::Archive::contents(Archive::Zip::Archive=HASH(0x55bbbdadedd0), 
> > "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF") called at /usr/bin/jh_manifest line 297
> >     main::update_jar("/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/li"..., undef) called at 
> > /usr/bin/jh_manifest line 147
> > Could not read manifest from 
> > /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/debian/libquartz2-java/usr/share/java/quartz2-2.3.0.jar 
> > (2):  at /usr/bin/jh_manifest line 298.
> > jh_classpath: jh_manifest -plibquartz2-java 
> > --classpath=/usr/share/java/slf4j-api.jar 
> > debian/libquartz2-java/usr/share/java/quartz2.jar returned exit code 255
> > make: *** [debian/rules:4: binary] Error 255
> I don't know if this is the same issue but wanted to mention it here,
> since it seems potentially related.  I'd be glad to provide more
> debugging information or testing if that would help.  libquartz2-java is
> an example of a source package that exhibits this issue.

Salvatore has uploaded libarchive-zip-perl 1.67-1 right now. Could
you try and check with this version? If there's still a problem I'm
happy to debug this together and forward it upstream.


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