On Wed, Aug 07, 2019 at 08:29:50AM +1200, Olly Betts wrote:
> Now that we're post-release, Scott Talbert has filed bugs and the
> transition is progressing well (we've gone from 17% to 41% in just
> a week).

We're now at 94% with only 3 packages left:

* mrpt was updated but the build failed on mipsel due to running out of
  memory and it's now entangled in auto-opencv.  But it's due for AUTORM
  on 2019-10-28 so that should resolve itself within a week.

* codelite is orphaned and needs a new upstream version, but one of the
  upstream developers has prepared an update which is currently in the
  process of being sponsored.  If that doesn't happen, AUTORM is

* filezilla seems to be immune to AUTORM (presumably due to its popcon
  score).  The maintainer appears to have prepared an upload 3.5 weeks
  ago but not uploaded it:
  I have nudged them via #933416 and offered to sponsor it.  If there's
  no response I'll just upload it (it's already within the dev-ref rules
  for NMUing).  I've already checked what's in the VCS builds OK in
  current unstable.

So one way or another everything should be resolved by the end of this
month.  We can then upload wxwidgets3.0 dropping the GTK2 packages.


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