A few details about the error: when running
"bash -x /usr/bin/thunderbird -g",

the command trace ends as follows:
+ output_info 'Starting Thunderbird with GDB ...'
+ echo 'INFO  -> Starting Thunderbird with GDB ...'
INFO  -> Starting Thunderbird with GDB ...
+ output_info 'LANG= /usr/bin/gdb -ex handle SIG38 nostop -ex handle
SIGPIPE nostop -ex run /usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird '
+ echo 'INFO  -> LANG= /usr/bin/gdb -ex handle SIG38 nostop -ex handle
SIGPIPE nostop -ex run /usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird '
INFO  -> LANG= /usr/bin/gdb -ex handle SIG38 nostop -ex handle SIGPIPE
nostop -ex run /usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird
+ exec '/usr/bin/gdb -ex handle SIG38 nostop -ex handle SIGPIPE nostop
-ex run /usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird '
/usr/bin/thunderbird: line 249: /usr/bin/gdb -ex handle SIG38 nostop -ex
handle SIGPIPE nostop -ex run /usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird : No such
file or directory

It seems that the whole command line is interpreted as the filename to
load.  I did not recorded the shell exit status, but I believe that I
saw 127, the usual code for "command not found". I also think that I
experimented some problems with the "-ex" options when I tried to split
this long exec argument into filename and arguments.

Hence the proposed patch replaces this complex command line with a
simple one and a temporary file containing the commands for Gdb.

Note: the crash mentioned in the initial report is not the problem, only
the motivation to run Thunderbird under Gdb.


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