On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 02:33:26AM +0000, mo...@debian.org wrote:
> Source: gvfs
> Usertags: py2removal
> Your package [...] uses Python2 in the autopkg tests (the specific
> reason can be found searching this source package in
> https://people.debian.org/~morph/mass-bug-py2removal_take2.txt ).

Reason stated:

gvfs 1.42.1-1 ['Testsuite-Triggers->python-twisted-core']


$ grep -R twist test/
test/gvfs-test:twistd_path = shutil.which('twistd')
test/gvfs-test:@unittest.skipUnless(twistd_path != None, 'Twisted twistd not 
test/gvfs-test:        self.ftpd = subprocess.Popen([twistd_path, '-n', 'ftp', 
'-p', '2121',

$ apt-file search bin/twistd
python-twisted-core: /usr/bin/twistd      
python3-twisted: /usr/bin/twistd3

In a naive thought it might be as easy as just replacing
python-twisted-core with python3-twisted and replace 'twistd' with
'twistd3' but I'm not sure if twistd3 is drop-in compatible with twistd
(or if some porting effort is needed).

Another easier solution would just be to drop the python-twisted-core
dependency which should disable the test. For more info see:
The drawback would ofcourse be that it means less test coverage.

Andreas Henriksson

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