Hi Andreas,

I don't foresee this working, because the package depends on swig to
perform the heavy lifting for the python bindings, and debian currently
packages only version 3 of swig, which as far as I can tell, does not
support python3...

Version 4 of swig does seem to support python3, using a new command-line
option `-py3`.

I'm cc'ing  Torsten Landschoff <tors...@debian.org> on this bug, as he
is llisted as the debian maintainer for the swig package.

@Torsten - Am I correct about python3 support in swig3? Is debian
planning on soon updating the package to version 4 (ie. before debian
drops support for python2)? Do you have any suggestions or pointers for

On 2019-10-24 22:27, Andreas Henriksson wrote:
> Control: tags -1 + patch
> Hello,
> Please see attached patch with my naive attempt at porting libhdate
> to build python3 bindings instead of python2.
> This seems to work with the patch I'm about to post to the only
> reverse build-dependency bsdmainutils in #936244 but you should
> probably review it carefully anyway since I'm not really sure
> what I'm doing here.
> Regards,
> Andreas Henriksson

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