Today I have written a program to filter out common library dependencies of the three programs exposing this bug, i.e. cheese, vlc and firefox-esr. For one library depending upon another only the top level dependency is outputted:

elm@system76-18:~/projects/pydeps$ ./ commdep cheese vlc
common dependencies:
 libasound2-data all
 libevdev2 amd64
 libblkid1 amd64
 libaa1 amd64
 libdrm-common all
 libasound2 amd64
 libmtdev1 amd64
 libmount1 amd64
 libaom0 amd64
 libinput10 amd64
 libdrm2 amd64
 libglib2.0-0 amd64
 libgcc1 amd64
 libass9 amd64
 libvorbisfile3 amd64
 libc6 amd64
 libgpm2 amd64
elm@system76-18:~/projects/pydeps$ ./ commdep cheese firefox-esr
common dependencies:
 libncursesw6 amd64
 libatk1.0-0 amd64
 libasound2-data all
 libasound2 amd64
 libice6 amd64
 lsb-base all
 x11-common all
 libncurses6 amd64
 libatk1.0-data all
 libc6 amd64
 libgcc1 amd64
elm@system76-18:~/projects/pydeps$ ./ commdep vlc firefox-esr
common dependencies:
 libwayland-client0 amd64
 libdbus-1-3 amd64
 libsystemd0 amd64
 xkb-data all
 libxkbcommon0 amd64
 libgcc1 amd64
 libxcb-util0 amd64
 libc6 amd64
elm@system76-18:~/projects/pydeps$ ./ commdep vlc firefox-esr cheese
common dependencies:
 libdbus-1-3 amd64
 libxkbcommon0 amd64
 libgcc1 amd64
 libwayland-client0 amd64
 xkb-data all
 libc6 amd64
 libsystemd0 amd64
elm@system76-18:~/projects/pydeps$ ./ commdep cheese guvcview
common dependencies:
 libcap2 amd64
 libasound2-data all
 libavcodec58 amd64
 libaom0 amd64
 libusb-1.0-0 amd64
 libc6 amd64
 libgcc1 amd64
 libatk1.0-0 amd64
 libogg0 amd64
 libasound2 amd64
 libatk1.0-data all

However I still do not know which library is causing the fault. A possible candidate would be libaom0 which implements an internet video codec. However I would suppose that the hardware uses a different protocol. Additionally libaom0 and libatk1.0 are also used by guvcview which works well. I do not know whether libinput10 only implements input devices like mice and keyboards or whether things like webcams are also supported. Another possible candidate would be libatk1.0. Unfortunately I do not really know what these libraries do or whether the bug is evoked by a totally different component. Only you, the developers or maintainers of cheese will know so please have a look and tell me about it!

# -*- coding: utf-8
# vim: expandtab;

import gzip, bz2, lzma, urllib.request, urllib.error, hashlib;
from itertools import count; from functools import reduce;
import sys, os, re;

repos = [ ("";, "stable/updates", ["main"] ),
          ("";, "stable", ["main"] ) ];
doCache = True; dryRun = False; topOnly = False;

def get_file(url):
  headers = { 'User-Agent': agent }
  req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers = headers)
  resp = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
  return resp;

def get_file_content_cached(url):
  cachefile = url.translate({ord(c):'_' for c in ":/"})+".cache" 
    with open(cachefile,'rb') as rfd:
  except Exception as ex:
    data = get_file(url).read();
      with open(cachefile,'wb') as wfd:
    except Exception as ex:
    return data;

def print_urllib_error(url,e):
  if type(e) == urllib.error.URLError:
    print("error downloading %s: %s" % ( url, e.reason.strerror ), file=sys.stderr );
  elif type(e) == urllib.error.HTTPError:
    print("error downloading %s: %i %s" % ( url, e.code, e.msg ), file=sys.stderr );
    print("unknown error downloading %s: %s" % ( url, str(e) ), file=sys.stderr );

def get_file_content(url):
    if doCache: return get_file_content_cached(url);
    return get_file(url).read();
  except Exception as e:

def save_file(url,filename):
    resp = get_file(url);
    h = hashlib.sha256();
    with open(filename,'wb') as wfd:
      block =;
      while block:
        block =;
    return h.hexdigest();
  except Exception as e:

def find(elm,lis):
  i = 0;
  for e in lis:
    if e == elm: return i;
    i += 1;
  return i;

def sgn(val):
  return -1 if val < 0 else ( 1  if val > 0 else 0 );

hash_prefs = ['SHA512','SHA384','SHA256','SHA224','SHA1','MD5'];
good_hash_prefs = 3;

def get_hash(content,hashtype):
  if hashtype=='SHA256':
    h = hashlib.sha256();
  elif hashtype=='SHA512':
    h = hashlib.sha512();
  elif hashtype=='MD5SUM' or hashtype=='MD5':
    h = hashlib.md5();
  elif hashtype=='SHA1':
    h = hashlib.sha1();
  elif hashtype=='SHA384':
    h = hashlib.sha384();
  elif hashtype=='SHA224':
    h = hashlib.sha224();
    raise Exception("hash of type %s unknown!" % hashtype);
  return h.hexdigest();

has_ver_sep = re.compile("[+~.:-]");
#is_ver = re.compile("[0-9+~.:-]*");


def numidx(s,search4num):
  i = 0;
  if search4num:
    for c in s:
      if '0' <= c and c <= '9': break;
      i += 1;
    for c in s:
      if c < '0' or '9' < c: break;
      i += 1;
  return i;

def cmp_ver(a,b):
  def do_cmp_ver(a,b,seplis):
    if not seplis or ( len(seplis) <= 4 and not and not 
      while len(a) > 0 and len(b) > 0:
        ia = numidx(a,True); ib = numidx(b,True);
        if a[:ia] != b[:ib]:
          return -1 if a[:ia] < b[:ib] else +1;
        a = a[ia:]; b = b[ib:];
        ia = numidx(a,False); ib = numidx(b,False);
        a_int = int(a[:ia]) if ia!=0 else -1; 
        b_int = int(b[:ib]) if ib!=0 else -1;
        if a_int != b_int:
          return -1 if a_int < b_int else +1;
        a = a[ia:]; b = b[ib:];
      if a == b: return 0;
      if a == '': return -1;
      return +1;
    splitby = seplis.pop();
    a = a.split(splitby); b = b.split(splitby); maxlen = max(len(a),len(b));
    # chr(254): 1:3.1+dfsg-8+deb10u2~ "<<" 1:3.1+dfsg-8+deb10u2
    if splitby == ':':
      if len(a) < maxlen: a = [''] * (maxlen-len(a)) + a;
      if len(b) < maxlen: b = [''] * (maxlen-len(b)) + b;
    elif splitby == '~':
      if len(a) < maxlen: a = a + [chr(254)] * (maxlen-len(a));
      if len(b) < maxlen: b = b + [chr(254)] * (maxlen-len(b));
      if len(a) < maxlen: a = a + [''] * (maxlen-len(a));
      if len(b) < maxlen: b = b + [''] * (maxlen-len(b));
    for tok_a, tok_b in zip( a, b ):
      res = do_cmp_ver( tok_a, tok_b, seplis.copy() )
      if res != 0: return res;
    return 0;
  return do_cmp_ver(a,b,['.','-','+','~',':']);

def do_cmp_ver(cmp_type,a,b):
  res = cmp_ver(a,b);
  if res == 0 and cmp_type in ['=','<=','>=']: return True;
  elif res < 0 and cmp_type in [ '<=', '<<' ]: return True;
  elif res > 0 and cmp_type in [ '>=', '>>' ]: return True;
  return False;

#print(cmp_ver( "12:13.15+16", "12:13.15+17" ));
#print(cmp_ver( "2.2", "1:2.6.1-1" ));
#print(cmp_ver( "1:3.1+dfsg-8+deb10u2~", "1:3.1+dfsg-8+deb10u2" ));    # -1
#print(cmp_ver( "1:3.1+dfsg-8+deb10u2~1", "1:3.1+dfsg-8+deb10u2" ));   # -1
#print(cmp_ver( "1.18-3", "1.18.1-4" ));
#print(cmp_ver( "1.18", "1.18.1" ));
#print(cmp_ver( "1.18-3", "1.18-4" ));

def conc_url(lis):
  for tok in lis:
    url += tok;
    if not url.endswith('/'): url += '/';
  return url[:-1];

sumline = re.compile("^ *(?P<sum>[0-9a-fA-F]*) +(?P<size>[0-9]+) +(?P<filename>.*)$");

pkgs = dict();

class package:
  def __init__(self,pname,ver,arch,repoidx,filename,sha256,size,depends,depends_or,conflicts):
    self.pname = pname; self.ver = ver; self.arch=arch; self.repoidx = repoidx; self.filename=filename; self.sha256=sha256; self.size=size; 
    self.depends=depends; self.depends_or=depends_or; self.conflicts=conflicts; self.dependents = [];
  def __hash__(self): return hash( ( self.pname, self.ver, self.arch, self.repoidx ) );     # sets shall only use __hash__ and __eq__
  def __repr__(self):
    return "(ver=%s,arch=%s,repo=%i)" % (self.ver,self.arch,self.repoidx);
  # igitt, python3!
  def __cmp__(self,other):
    result = cmp_ver(self.ver,other.ver);
    if result != 0: return result;
    result = self.repoidx - other.repoidx;
    if result != 0: return -sgn(result);    # descending sort order
    result = find(self.arch,architectures) - find(other.arch,architectures);
    return -sgn(result);  # descending sort order
  def __lt__(self,other): return self.__cmp__(other) < 0;        # the only that shall be used for sorting
  def __le__(self,other): return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0;
  def __eq__(self,other): return self.pname == other.pname and self.ver == other.ver and self.arch == other.arch and self.repoidx == other.repoidx;
  def __ne__(self,other): return not self.__eq__(other);
  def __ge__(self,other): return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0;
  def __gt__(self,other): return self.__cmp__(other) > 0;

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ actual part of the program ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

instfile = None;
justprn = []; tryupd = {}; updseq = []; dependents = {};   # tryupd is index by (pname,arch), dependents only by pname

def arch_is_compatible(arch1,arch2):
  return arch1 == arch2 or arch1 == 'all' or arch2 == 'all';

def get_with_arch_like(pkghash,pname,arch):
  inst = pkghash.get((pname,arch),None);
  if inst: return (inst,arch);
  if arch != 'all': 
    return ( pkghash.get((pname,'all'),None), 'all' );
  for arch in architectures:
    inst = pkghash.get((pname,arch),None);
    if inst: return (inst,arch);
  return (None,None);

def create_tryupd_entry( pname, compat_with_arch ):
  global tryupd;
  availables = []; base_arch = None;
  for a in pkgs.get(pname,[]):
    if ( not base_arch and arch_is_compatible( a.arch, compat_with_arch ) ) or ( a.arch == base_arch ):
      availables.append(a); base_arch = a.arch;
  if not availables:
    return (None,None);
  base = [ -1, availables ]; assert(base_arch);  # base must not be a tuple to keep base[0] assignable
  tryupd[(pname,base_arch)] = base;
  return ( base, base_arch );

def get_tryupd_entry( provides, compat_with_arch ):
  global tryupd, what_provides;
  baselis = [];
  for pname in [ provides ] + what_provides.get(provides,[]):
    ( base, base_arch ) = get_with_arch_like( tryupd, pname, compat_with_arch );
    if base: 
      if base[0] != -1: availables = [ base[1][base[0]] ];
      else: availables = base[1];
      ( base, base_arch ) = create_tryupd_entry( pname, compat_with_arch );
      if base != None: availables = base[1];
    if base != None:
      baselis.append( ( base, availables ) );
  return baselis;

def get_installed(pname):
  found = None;
  for try_arch in architectures + ['all']:
    found = installed.get((pname,try_arch),None);
    if found: return found;
  return found;

def upd( candidate, parent_candidate, always_visit ):
  global tryupd, justprn, dependents;
  remember_idx = [];
  all_installs = [];

  depts = dependents.get(candidate.pname,[]);
  if depts: always_visit.add(candidate);    # in case of dt_* own update will be performed as part of a new call by dt_xx instead of this call
  did_upd_dependent = False;
  for dt_pname, dt_arch in depts:
    if parent_candidate and dt_pname == parent_candidate.pname and dt_arch == parent_candidate.arch: continue;
    # first see if that package is already to be updated
    dt_good = True;  # set to false on unresolvable conflict
    pname_arch = (dt_pname,dt_arch);
    base = tryupd.get(pname_arch);
    if base == None or base[0] != -1:
      #print("newly visited",candidate.pname,dt_pname);
      if base == None:
        inst = installed.get(pname_arch);
        if not inst: 
          # that should not happen: either already installed or when created by an update a base record must already be here
          print("warning: strange dependent ignored:",dt_pname,file=sys.stderr);
        inst = base[1][base[0]]
      dep_lis = inst.depends.get(candidate.pname,[]) or []; 
      for cmpop, ver in dep_lis:
        if not do_cmp_ver( cmpop, candidate.ver, ver ):
          print("update of %s would break dependency of %s; can not update" % (candidate.pname,dt_pname),file=sys.stderr);
          dt_good = False;
      result = False;
      for i, pkg in zip(count(),base[1]):
        base[0] = i; ( result, installs ) = upd( pkg, candidate, always_visit );
        if result: 
          did_upd_dependent = True;
          all_installs += installs; 
      if not result:
        print("no update candidate for %s; can not update %s" % (dt_pname,candidate.pname),file=sys.stderr);
        dt_good = False;
    if not dt_good:
      for base, prev_idx in remember_idx: 
        base[0] = prev_idx;
      return ( False, [] );

  if did_upd_dependent:
    base = tryupd.get((candidate.pname,candidate.arch));
    assert(base and base[0] != -1 and base[1][base[0]] == candidate); 
    return ( True, all_installs );

  if depts: always_visit.remove(candidate);

  choices = [];  # dependency fullfillment choices for packages

  # and choice lists
  for dep_pname, dep_lis in candidate.depends.items():
    baselis = get_tryupd_entry( dep_pname, candidate.arch );
    # base=baselis[i]: base[0] is idx for remember_idx into base[1]-list
    #                  base[1] is list of availabel candidates
    # if idx in base[0] is set: then availables has only one entry; otherwise it equals base[1]
    if not baselis: 
      print("no arch-deps for", dep_pname, candidate.arch, file=sys.stderr );
      return False;
    satisfying = [];
    for base, availables in baselis:
      for i, a in zip(count(max(0,base[0])),availables):
        dep_fulfilled = True;
        for cmpop, ver in dep_lis or []:
          if not do_cmp_ver( cmpop, a.ver, ver ):
            dep_fulfilled = False;
        if dep_fulfilled: 
      if base[0] == -1:  # not yet chosen idx, will be chosen by this upd-call
    choices.append(satisfying);   # whole base list is added to get reference instead of value for base[0];
    if not satisfying and dep_pname not in justprn:
      print("no deps for", dep_pname, dep_lis, availables, "~ by ~", candidate.pname, candidate.ver, file=sys.stderr );
      #if len(pb) > 1:
      #  print(candidate.pname,dep_pname,pb,file=sys.stderr);
      return ( False, [] );
  # or choice lists; select one out of each sub-list
  for or_lis in candidate.depends_or:
    this_select = [];
    # put in front: already installed packet
    for ( dep_pname, cmpop, ver ), i in zip(or_lis,count()):
      if get_installed(dep_pname):
        if i: or_lis = [ ( dep_pname, cmpop, ver ) ] + or_lis[:i] + or_lis[i+1:];
        if i: print(or_lis);
    # convert into choices format and select packages where version fits
    for dep_pname, cmpop, ver in or_lis:
      baselis = get_tryupd_entry( dep_pname, candidate.arch );
      if not baselis: continue;
      for base, availables in baselis:
        for i, a in zip(count(max(0,base[0])),availables):
          if cmpop == None or do_cmp_ver( cmpop, a.ver, ver ):
        if base[0] == -1:  # not yet chosen idx, will be chosen by this upd-call
    if not this_select:
      print("no deps available for or-list %s" % repr(or_lis));
      return ( False, [] );


  for this_select in choices:
    result = True;    # we have already asserted that there is at least one choice; if base[0]>=0 (will be updated) or if it is already installed then result shall be True
    for base, i, pkg in this_select:
      qq = pkg in always_visit;
      if qq: assert( base[1][base[0]] == pkg );
      if base[0] == -1 or qq:
        base[0] = i;
        if pkg.repoidx >= 0:       # -1 ... already installed
          ( result, installs ) = upd( pkg, candidate, always_visit );
          if result: all_installs += installs;
    if not result:
      for base, prev_idx in remember_idx:
        base[0] = prev_idx;
      return ( False, [] );

  do_with = 'i';  # install, dpkg -i
  if get_installed(candidate.pname): do_with = 'u';  # dpkg --update-avail

  for dep_pname in candidate.depends.keys():
    dts = dependents.get(dep_pname,None);
    if dts: dts.add((candidate.pname,candidate.arch));   #print(inst.pname,inst.dependents,pname_arch[0]);
    else: dependents[dep_pname] = set([ (candidate.pname,candidate.arch) ]); 

  return ( True, all_installs );

instFile = None;  dldFile = None;  sha256File = None;

def get_packages_4_update(instfile_param):
  global tryupd, updseq, topOnly; global already_selected, already_selected_at_top;
  global instfile, repos, verbose; instfile = instfile_param;
  already_selected = set(); already_selected_at_top = set();

  def get_updates(pname_arch,inst_pkg,first_level):
    global tryupd, updseq, topOnly; global already_selected, already_selected_at_top;
    if pname_arch in already_selected: 
      if pname_arch in already_selected_at_top:    # removed from here: if not first_level and ...
        if topOnly:
    availables = pkgs.get(pname_arch[0],[]);
    choices = []; deps = set();
    for a in availables:
      if arch_is_compatible(inst_pkg.arch,a.arch) and cmp_ver(inst_pkg.ver,a.ver) < 0:
        for dep_pname in a.depends:
    if choices:
      tryupd[pname_arch] = [ -1, choices ];
      if first_level or not topOnly: 
      for dep_pname in deps:
        ( inst, arch ) = get_with_arch_like( installed, dep_pname, pname_arch[1] );
        if inst:
          #assert(pname_arch not in inst.dependents);
        else: print("not installed:",dep_pname,file=sys.stderr);
        #print("trying to update",pname_arch[0]);

  for pname_arch, inst_pkg in installed.items():
    get_updates( pname_arch, inst_pkg, True );

  already_selected = None; already_selected_at_top = None;
  #updseq.reverse();   # for testing downward propagation only

  all_dlds = []; errdld = 0;

  for pname_arch in updseq:
    (idx,lis) = tryupd[pname_arch]; 
    if idx==-1:
      print("trying to update",pname_arch[0]);
      for i, candidate in zip(count(),lis):
        tryupd[pname_arch][0] = i;
        (result,installs) = upd(candidate,None,set());
        if result:
          if verbose: print(" "+reduce(lambda x,y: x+"\n "+y,map(lambda inst: repr((inst[0],inst[1].pname,inst[1].ver,inst[1].repoidx)),installs)));
          if not dryRun:
            for itype, pkg in installs:
              r = repos[pkg.repoidx>>3]; urlpraefix = r[0];
              dldurl = conc_url([urlpraefix,pkg.filename]); basename = os.path.basename(pkg.filename);
              if dldFile: print("torsocks wget -c "+dldurl,file=dldFile);
              if instFile: 
                if itype=='i': print("dpkg -i "+os.path.basename(pkg.filename),file=instFile);
                else: print("dpkg --update-avail "+basename,file=instFile);
              if sha256File: print(pkg.sha256+" "+basename,file=sha256File);
          tryupd[pname_arch][0] = -1;
      print(" already being updated",pname_arch[0]);

  if shallDownload:
    if verbose: print("starting downloads");
    for dldurl, filename, sha256 in all_dlds:
      real_sha256 = save_file(dldurl,filename);
      if real_sha256 == sha256: print("\t\tOK");
      else: print("\t\tERROR"); errdld+=1;
    if errdld: print("%i erroneous downloads" % errdld);
    else: print("all dlds ok");

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

def calcCommDep(commpkgs):
  global installed, already_seen, topmost_deps;

  def get_dependencies(pname,pkg):
    global installed, already_seen;
    pkgdesc = (pname,pkg.arch); 
    if pkgdesc in already_seen:
      return {};
    dependencies = {};
    for dep_pname in pkg.depends:
      for candidate_pname in [ dep_pname ] + what_provides.get(dep_pname,[]):
        ( dep_pkg, dep_arch ) = get_with_arch_like(installed,candidate_pname,pkg.arch);
        if dep_pkg: break;
      if not dep_pkg:
        print("required package dependency of %s seems not installed: %s." % (pname,dep_pname),file=sys.stderr);
      dependencies[(dep_pname,dep_arch)] = pkg;
      new_dependencies = get_dependencies(dep_pname,dep_pkg);
    return dependencies;

  deps_by_pkg = []; any_pkg_not_found = False;
  for pname in commpkgs:
    pname_arch = pname.split(':',1);
    if len(pname_arch) <= 1:
      for candidate_pname in [ pname ] + what_provides.get(pname,[]):
        pkg = get_installed(candidate_pname);
        if pkg: break;
      pkg = installed.get(tuple(pname_arch));
    if not pkg:
      any_pkg_not_found = True;
      print("package '%s' not installed." % pname, file=sys.stderr);
    already_seen = set([]);
    deps_by_pkg.append( get_dependencies(pname,pkg) );

  def filter_topmost_deps(desc,pkg,topmost):
    global installed, topmost_deps, already_seen;
    if desc in already_seen:
    if topmost: topmost_deps.add(desc);
    elif desc in topmost_deps: topmost_deps.remove(desc);
    for dep_pname in pkg.depends: 
      ( dep_pkg, dep_arch ) = get_with_arch_like(installed,dep_pname,pkg.arch);
      if not dep_pkg: continue;
      filter_topmost_deps( (dep_pname,dep_arch), dep_pkg, False );

  if any_pkg_not_found: print(file=sys.stderr); return;

  commdeps = deps_by_pkg[0];
  for deps in deps_by_pkg[1:]:
    #commdeps = commdeps.intersection(deps);
    for pkgdesc in list(commdeps.keys()):
      if pkgdesc not in deps:
        del commdeps[pkgdesc];

  topmost_deps = set([]); already_seen = set([]);
  for (desc,pkg) in commdeps.items():

  print("common dependencies:");
  for (pname,arch) in topmost_deps:

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

def addpkg(pkgname,pkg):
  global pkgs;
  pkglis = pkgs.get(pkgname,[]);
  pkgs[pkgname] = pkglis;

def prepare_pkgs_sort_dependents():
  global pkgs, dependents;
  for name, speclis in pkgs.items():
    #if name in ['libaom0','libdvbpsi10','apache2','vlc']:
    #if name in ['libarchive13']:
  for ( pname, arch ), pkg in installed.items():
    for dep_pname in pkg.depends:
      dts = dependents.get(dep_pname,None);
      if dts: dts.add((pname,arch));   #print(inst.pname,inst.dependents,pname_arch[0]);
      else: dependents[dep_pname] = set([ (pname,arch) ]); 

# output like (list of versions is and-ed; i.e. it may depict a range of versions):
#  apache2 {'apache2-bin': [('=', '2.4.38-3+deb10u1')], 'apache2-data': [('=', '2.4.38-3+deb10u1')], 'lsb-base': None, 'mime-support': None, ... }

def process_deps(depends,depends_or,s):
  def split_pkg_ver(dep):
    ( dep_pkg, dep_ver ) = ( dep.strip().split(' ',1) + ["()"] )[:2];
    dep_pkg = dep_pkg.split(':',1)[0];
    dep_ver = dep_ver.strip('()').split(' ',1);
    if dep_ver != ['']: dep_ver = tuple(dep_ver);
    else: dep_ver = None;
    return (dep_pkg,dep_ver);

  if s == "": return;
  for deplis in s.split(','):
    deplis = deplis.split('|');
    if len(deplis) == 0:
    elif len(deplis) <= 1:
      ( dep_pkg, dep_ver ) = split_pkg_ver(deplis[0]);
      pkg_dep = depends.get(dep_pkg,None);
      if pkg_dep == None:
        if dep_ver: depends[dep_pkg] = [ dep_ver ];
        else: depends[dep_pkg] = None;
        if dep_ver: pkg_dep.append(dep_ver);
      deps_or = [];
      for dep in deplis:
        ( dep_pkg, dep_ver ) = split_pkg_ver(dep); 
        deps_or.append( (dep_pkg,)+dep_ver if dep_ver else (dep_pkg,None,None) );

what_provides = {};

def register_what_provides(pname,provides_list):
  global what_provides;
  for provides in provides_list.split(','):
    provides = provides.strip();
    existing = what_provides.get(provides,None);
    if existing: existing.append(pname);
    else: what_provides[provides] = [ pname ];

def fetch_repo_desc(repos):
  #if not repo.endswith('/'): repo += '/';
  repoidx = 0;
  for url, subdir, sections in repos:
    if len(sections) > 8: print("at most 8 sections allowed per repo!",sys.stderr);
    for section in sections[:8]:
      baseurl = conc_url([url,'dists',subdir]);
      release_file = get_file_content(baseurl+'/Release').decode('latin_1').split('\n');
      relfiles = {}; sumtype=None;
      for line in release_file:
        if not line: continue;
        if line[-1]==':':
          if sumtype == "size": sumtype = None;
          this_pos = find(sumtype,hash_prefs);
        mo = sumline.match(line);
        if mo and sumtype:
          filename ='filename');
          hashsum ='sum');
          if filename not in relfiles: relfiles[filename] = { 'size': int('size')), 'hashtype': sumtype, 'hash': hashsum };
            prev_sumtype = relfiles[filename]['hashtype'];
            prev_pos = find(prev_sumtype,hash_prefs);
            if this_pos < prev_pos:
              relfiles[filename]['hashtype'] = sumtype;
              relfiles[filename]['hash'] = hashsum;
            if relfiles[filename]['size'] != int('size')):
              print("error: Release file states different file sizes for file %s." % filename,file=sys.stderr);
      release_file = None;
      for architecture in architectures:
        idxfile = None;
        for suffix in [".bz2",".xz",".gz",""]:
          this_idxfile = 'main/binary-'+architecture+'/Packages'+suffix;
          if this_idxfile in relfiles:
            idxfile = this_idxfile;
        if idxfile == None:
          print("Indexfile '"+'main/binary-'+architecture+'/Packages(.bz2|.xz|.gz)'+"' not found for repo '%s'!" % baseurl,file=sys.stderr);
        goodIdx = False; 
        for i in range(max_retries):
          pkgs_file = get_file_content(baseurl+'/'+idxfile);
          file_hash = get_hash( pkgs_file, relfiles[idxfile]['hashtype'] );
          if file_hash == relfiles[idxfile]['hash']:
            goodIdx = True;
            if find(relfiles[idxfile]['hashtype'],hash_prefs) >= good_hash_prefs:
              print("warning: unsafe checksum (%s) for file %s." % (relfiles[idxfile]['hashtype'],idxfile),file=sys.stderr);
          print("wrong hash for file %s/%s: expected %s, found %s." % (baseurl,idxfile,relfiles[idxfile]['hash'],file_hash) );
        if not goodIdx:
        if suffix == ".bz2": pkgs_file =bz2.decompress(pkgs_file);
        elif suffix == ".xz": pkgs_file = lzma.decompress(pkgs_file);
        elif suffix == ".gz": pkgs_file = gzip.decompress(pkgs_file);
        pname = None; depends = {}; depends_or = []; conflicts = {};
        for line in pkgs_file.decode('latin1').split('\n'):
          if line == "" and pname: 
            pname = None; version = None; arch = None; filename = None; size = None; sha256 = None; depends = {}; depends_or = []; conflicts = {};
          toks = line.split(':',1);
          if len(toks) >= 2:
            (tag,rest) = toks;
            rest = rest.strip(' \t');
            if tag == "Package": pname = rest; 
            elif tag == "Version": version = rest;
            elif tag == "Architecture": arch = rest;
            elif tag == "Filename": filename = rest;
            elif tag == "SHA256": sha256 = rest;
            elif tag == "Size": size = rest;
            elif tag == "Depends": 
            elif tag == "Conflicts" or tag == "Breaks": 
            elif tag == "Provides": register_what_provides(pname,rest);
        if pname:
      repoidx += 1;
    repoidx = ( repoidx & ~7 ) + 8;

installed = {};

def addinst(pname,version,arch,depends_txt,conflicts_txt):
  global installed;
  depends = {}; depends_or = []; conflicts = {};
  process_deps( depends, depends_or, depends_txt );
  process_deps( conflicts, None, conflicts_txt );
  pkg = package(pname,version,arch,-1,None,None,None,depends,depends_or,conflicts);
  if pname in installed: raise Exception("package %s installed two times!" % pname)
  installed[(pname,arch)] = pkg;

def getinst(idbfd=None):
  pname = None; depends_txt = ""; conflicts_txt = ""; provides_txt = "";

  with open("/var/lib/dpkg/status","r") as fd:
    for line in fd:
      line = line.rstrip(' \t\r\n');
      if line == "" and pname:
        if idbfd != None: print(pname,version,arch,depends_txt,"#",conflicts_txt,"#",provides_txt,file=idbfd);
        else: addinst(pname,version,arch,depends_txt,conflicts_txt); register_what_provides(pname,provides_txt);
        pname = None; version = None; arch = None; depends_txt = ""; conflicts_txt = ""; provides_txt = "";
      toks = line.split(':',1);
      if len(toks) >= 2:
        (tag,rest) = toks; rest = rest.lstrip(' \t')
        if tag == "Package": pname = rest;
        elif tag == "Version": version = rest;
        elif tag == "Architecture": arch = rest;
        elif tag == "Depends": depends_txt = rest;
        elif tag == "Conflicts" or tag == "Breaks": 
          if conflicts_txt: conflicts_txt += ", " + rest;
          else: conflicts_txt = rest;
        elif tag == "Provides": provides_txt = rest;
    if pname:
      if idbfd != None: print(pname,version,arch,depends_txt,"#",conflicts_txt,"#",provides_txt,file=idbfd);
      else: addinst(pname,version,arch,depends_txt,conflicts_txt); register_what_provides(pname,provides_txt);

def readinstdb(filename):
  global installed;
  with open(filename,"r") as fd:
    for line in fd:
      line = line.rstrip(' \t\r\n');
      (pname,version,arch,rest) = line.split(' ',3);
        (depends_txt,conflicts_txt,provides_txt) = rest.split(' #',2);
      except Exception as e:
        print("unable to split 3 tags by #:",line,file=sys.stderr);
        raise e;

if len(sys.argv) >= 3 and sys.argv[1] == "getinst":
  if len(sys.argv) > 3: print("spurious params: "+" ".join(sys.argv[3:]),file=sys.stderr);
  with os.fdopen([2],os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL|os.O_WRONLY),'w') as idbfd:

pkglis_file = None; verbose = False; shallDownload = True;

if len(sys.argv) >= 4 and sys.argv[1] == "cmpver":

if len(sys.argv) >= 3 and sys.argv[1] == "commdep":
  if sys.argv[2] == "--pkglis":
    pkglis_file = sys.argv[3];
    commpkgs = sys.argv[4:];
    commpkgs = sys.argv[2:];

while len(sys.argv) >= 2:
  if sys.argv[1] == "--agent":
    agent = sys.argv[2];
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + sys.argv[3:];
  elif sys.argv[1] == "--pkglis":
    pkglis_file = sys.argv[2];
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + sys.argv[3:];
  elif sys.argv[1] == "--arches":
    architectures = sys.argv[2].split(':');
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + sys.argv[3:];
  elif sys.argv[1] == "--verbose":
    verbose = True;
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + sys.argv[2:];
  elif sys.argv[1] == "--no-download":
    shallDownload = False;
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + sys.argv[2:];
  elif sys.argv[1] == "--upd-repo-only":
    repos = repos[:1];
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + sys.argv[2:];
  elif sys.argv[1] == "--dry-run":
    dryRun = True;
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + sys.argv[2:];
  elif sys.argv[1] == "--top-only":
    topOnly = True;
    sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] + sys.argv[2:];

agent_strs = { "apt": "Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (1.8.2)", "wget": "Wget/1.20.1 (linux-gnu)", "mozilla": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0" }

def main():
  if verbose: print("reading installation database",file=sys.stderr);
  instfile = sys.stdout;
  if pkglis_file:
  if verbose: print("fetching repo descriptions",file=sys.stderr);
  if verbose: print("calculating updates",file=sys.stderr);

if len(sys.argv) <= 1 or len(sys.argv) > 4 or sys.argv[1] == "--help":
  print("torsocks [--agent browserid] [--arches amd64:i386] [--pkglis installed.pkgs] [other options] [--upd-repo-only] targetdir",file=sys.stdout);
  print(" other options: --no-download --dry-run --top-only (only top level dependencies, no libraries)",file=sys.stdout);
  print("fetchupd getinst installed.pkgs",file=sys.stdout);
  print("fetchupd cmpver ver1 ver2",file=sys.stdout);
  print("fetchupd commdep [--pkglis installed.pkgs] pkg1 pkg2 pkg3:arch3 ...",file=sys.stdout);
  print(" change by hand in order to adjust repos as found in /etc/apt/sources.list",file=sys.stdout);
  print(" user agent string may be one of 'apt, 'wget', '' or 'mozilla'; default is 'apt', '' uses the python3 default. You may also specify a full string like 'Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (1.8.2)'.",file=sys.stdout);
  print(" creates scripts with name targetdir/install-updates and targetdir/download-updates and a SHA-file with name targetdir/SHA256SUMS",file=sys.stdout);

  putdir = sys.argv[1];
  if( len(sys.argv) > 2 ): subdir = sys.argv[2];
  if( len(sys.argv) > 3 ): repo = sys.argv[3];
  if( len(sys.argv) > 4 ): agent = sys.argv[4];
  agent = agent_strs.get(agent,agent);
  if verbose:
    print("repos:", len(repos));
    if(agent): print("agent:",agent);
  prevdir = os.getcwd();
    if dryRun:
      with os.fdopen("install-updates",os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL|os.O_WRONLY,0o777),'w') as this_instfile:
        with os.fdopen("download-updates",os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL|os.O_WRONLY,0o777),'w') as this_dldfile:
          with open("SHA256SUMS",'a') as this_shafile:
            instFile = this_instfile;
            dldFile = this_dldfile;
            sha256File = this_shafile;

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