
On Tue, 29 Oct 2019, Yev G wrote:

> Looks like we had some issues with the cron, by ftpsync logs(and
> trace) that should be fixed.
> So I'm reopening the ticket for the same purpose.

I added your mirror, thanks.

Our checker still has this to say:

$ ./mirror-check.py us.mirror.nsec.pt

| o The tracefile at
|   http://us.mirror.nsec.pt/debian/project/trace/us.mirror.nsec.pt
|   is missing some required information.
|   We expect at least the Maintainer and Upstream-mirror values to be filled 
|   and your tracefile is missing one or both of them.
| o The nameservers for us.mirror.nsec.pt are all in the same AS.  For 
reliability we
|   recommend having nameservers in more than one location.


>  I'd like to add a new mirror to the official Debian mirror list. For
>  now it only has public http but we are also thinking about adding
>  ftp.

I don't think supporting ftp:// in this day and age is anything you
need to spend any time on.  Feel free to do it, but I just don't see the
benefit.  If you want to add another protocol to support, then offering
rsync access would be useful for downstreams :)

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      Peter Palfrader       | : :' :      The  universal
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