Hi Stephan,

On Thu, Nov 07, 2019 at 10:32:25PM +0100, Stephan Lachnit wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "piper"

I noticed a few of problems which need to be fixed:

* you need python3-dev in the build-dependencies instead of python3
  (as-is, the package doesn’t build in a clean build chroot)
* your changes in -2 shouldn’t increment the package version, since
  there hasn’t been an upload to the archive yet — you’re still in the
  process of getting -1 ready, effectively (and it’s all still the
  “initial packaging”)
* the ratbagd dependency should be (>= 0.10-1), greater than rather
  than equal, otherwise the piper package ends up too closely tied to
  libratbag (0.10-2 would break the dependency, as would the
  forthcoming 0.11-1); in fact switching to >= means you can even drop
  the package revision, and write (>= 0.10)

I noticed that your git repo only has a single branch. I find it
better in the long run to maintain an upstream branch with the
upstream code (which can effectively be the upstream master branch,
directly), and the Debian packaging in a separate branch. Check out
https://dep-team.pages.debian.net/deps/dep14/ for one possible



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