
Is this behavior fully reproducible for you? (I cannot reproduce it.)

Could you please try a few things for me?

- What does "stty size" report in the faulty pane? (I'm wondering if
it matches the screen size shown in the red bar, or if it's the
default 80x24, or perhaps something else.)

- What does "echo $LINES $COLUMNS" say?

- Does slightly resizing the window, or slightly dragging the
separator between the two terminals fix the issue?

- Does this command (clearing the scroll region) fix the issue:  printf '\e[r'

- How does a fullscreen application (e.g. "mc") look like in that panel?

- If you start selecting with the mouse, can you select row-by-row
over the large unused area?

- Could you test with VTE master? I particularly suspect that
https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/vte/commit/07aad3e0d5 (a partial fix
for https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/vte/issues/188) could be relevant,
although it's not clear to me how an intermittent problem with the
initial size could get permanently stuck.

- Do you have anything special in your shell startup, e.g.
automatically launching screen/tmux/byobu, or some weird 3rd party
hacks? If so, can you try with the default shell configs?


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