astroidmail - failing with exact same error already, so we can ignore it

bookkeeper - already FTBFS and not in testing

collectd 5.9.2.g-1 built fine

containerd - not in testing, ftbfs with missing build dependencies,
possibly rebuild version in experimental (but not a blocker I think)

cubemap - fails with the following error (rebuild in unstable works)

g++ -o cubemap main.o client.o server.o stream.o udpstream.o
serverpool.o input.o input_stats.o httpinput.o udpinput.o parse.o
config.o acceptor.o stats.o accesslog.o thread.o util.o log.o
metacube2.o sa_compare.o timespec.o state.pb.o tlse/tlse.o -lprotobuf
-lsystemd -ltomcrypt -Wl,-z,relro
/usr/bin/ld: thread.o: undefined reference to symbol
/usr/bin/ld: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ error adding
symbols: DSO missing from command line
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

will check the remaining ones as well now.

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