Eduard Bloch schrieb am Wed 05. Jan, 15:52 (+0100) :
> Moin Jörg!
> Jörg Sommer schrieb am Mittwoch, den 05. Januar 2005:
> > The problem does not exist in the normal version of icewm. It is only a
> > problem of icewm-experimental.
> Well, the icon reported by xprop is identical with those on my system
> (working okay). So the difference must be somewhere else.
> Could you try to recompile the Debian package (as below) removing
> following from debian/rules? Reinstalling/restaring icewm each time,
> observing the borken behavior to locate the function that triggers it.
>     --enable-antialiasing

Don't help.

>     --enable-gradients

Don't help.

BTW: There is an error if you recompile in the same directory. It seams
the cleanup is not OK.

Richard is only to blame for his inability to spell /dev/disk correctly.
Albert Cahalan, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, lkml

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