On Sat, 2019-12-07 at 23:46 +0000, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> I won't, but I think you have it backwards.  Until changes like this
> are made, python2 can't be removed.  Your approach leaves us with a
> Catch 22.


Part of the reason for my reluctance is I don't understand the haste in
removing Python2.  It will wither and die anyway in it's own time, but
why is it necessary to speed that process up?

As the fdb maintainer I agree it would be nice to have just one version
to support, but I am also a fdb user.  For a user it creates a lot of
urgent work.  I (I suspect like a lot of sysadmin's who use python as
an alternative to bash) have accumulated a lot of python2 scripts over
the decades.  When I touch one I convert it to python3, but it's a slow
process.  I can't see any good reason to speed it up, and it doesn't
help python3 is worse than python2 as a bash replacement.

Now you are forcing me to speed that process up.  If I thought I was an
outlier then c'est la vie I guess, but my gut feeling is I am not, and
there have been comments made in passing on debian-devel that back that

There hasn't been much discussion so far, but when it happens I suspect
there is going to be a lot of push back.  Thus my wait and see
attitude.  In the mean time if maintaining Python2 is too much of a
burden you could always orphan it.

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