On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 06:41:15PM -0800, Joseph Herlant wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> I'd be interested in your use case. Do you have some examples of what
> you call "proper localization with support for multiple languages and
> flexibility through additional config files"?
> I also work with asciidoctor so I'd be happy to see with them if
> upstream has that on their backlog.

Hello Joseph,

sure, my main use case for asciidoc is to generate static

Asciidoc supports setting the language attribute to generate
localized output (e.g. proper quotes when using ``..'' which
results in „...“ for German texts or captions like
"Table"/"Tabelle"). From what I know that's not possible with

Asciidoc also has the nice feature of using configuration files
to extend the syntax. For example:


Then I can use ,,foo,, in the text and it will be converted to

> To be honest, asciidoc hasn't been really active over the last few
> years (since its creator left the project) and even the current
> maintainers have advise several times to switch to asciidoctor (which
> has become the official reference for the asciidoc language), so the
> package does now support python3, yes, but I would still advise to
> look at alternatives long term.

Another issue with asciidoctor, unrelated to its features, is
that the output changes when compared to asciidoc. This is not a
big issue but adds additional work during the conversion. So
staying with asciidoc is simpler.

Having an inactive project is in my opinion not an issue.
Asciidoc is stable and works just fine and I didn't notice any
major bugs so I'm not worried if it doesn't receive many updates.

> The reason I keep this one open for now is to make sure people realize
> that it's not because the language name is asciidoc that they should
> use the asciidoc binary.

That's a good point. For most people asciidoctor works fine (and
I'm using it for some other projects).

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