On 2019-12-18 11:59:50 [+0100], Christoph Berg wrote:
> Nothing special, and the test started failing on ci.debian.net as well
> as in my local sid chroot.

Yes and this is absolute mystery to me. My up-to-date sid chroot I use
in schroot for sbuild does not show this problem. If I install freshclam
only without recommends I can't download anything because ca-certificate
is missing. With this packages installed it works then…

> > Could you start `freshclam' by hand with --verbose (not sure if --debug
> > works) and provide more output? It appears that the version downloaded
> > is one less than available and that is where things go south.
> In the sid chroot, with an empty /var/lib/clamav/:
> $ sudo -u clamav freshclam --verbose

what happens if you strip the sudo part? One of the first thing is to
change to the clamav user (well so is my memory and the /var/…/clamav is
owned by clamav so…)? However after I install sudo in my chroot and try
this it still works :/

> Time: 2.4s, ETA; 0.0s [=======================================>] 
> 52.81MiB/52.81MiB   
> * Connection #0 to host database.clamav.net left intact
> Wed Dec 18 11:56:13 2019 -> ^Mirror https://database.clamav.net is not 
> synchronized.

So I don't have this. And for that to happen you need an out-dated
database. And somehow you have that and the ci host. Reproducible.

If the `sudo' part makes no difference, can you stash me your chroot or
the other way around? There must be something that is different.

> Christoph


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