This also happens to me. Fixed by using str() function in some strings.
I am attaching my patch to this message.

Prof. M.Sc. João Paulo Just Peixoto
IFBA - Instituto Federal da Bahia - Campus Valença
TIM/WhatsApp: +55 75 9176 8499
--- avahi-discover	2019-12-21 22:47:11.422497727 -0300
+++	2019-12-21 22:46:39.370583958 -0300
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
         infos += "<b>" + _("Domain Name:") + "</b> %s\n"
         infos += "<b>" + _("Interface:") + "</b> %s %s\n"
         infos += "<b>" + _("Address:") + "</b> %s/%s:%i\n%s"
-        infos = infos % (stype, name, domain, self.siocgifname(interface), self.protoname(protocol), host, address, port, txts.strip())
+        infos = infos % (str(stype), str(name), str(domain), str(self.siocgifname(interface)), self.protoname(protocol), str(host), str(address), port, txts.strip())
     def insert_row(self, model,parent,

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