On 12/25/19 6:59 PM, Norbert Preining wrote:
> Hi Eli,
> On Wed, 25 Dec 2019, Eli Schwartz wrote:
>> Are we discussing calibre itself, here, or the plugins? It's been
>> previously agreed that calibre itself is mostly ready.
> Indeed, unfortunately all the fixes in the py3 branch are not merged
> into a released tarball, and I am not eager to try to create orig
> tarballs myself from the git repo (I looked into it, but it seems a lot
> of stuff is needed in addition).

There's a totally unstable source tarball at
https://download.calibre-ebook.com/betas/, if you download a copy of it
for when it gets inevitably deleted and replaced by a new beta.

There's no PGP signatures for those files, though.

The release tarballs can be created in a simple enough fashion, the same
way I generate my daily builds from git:

Take a look at the source files I list there and the sequence of
commands I run in the build() shell function. I have tried to comment
anything I think might not be obvious in purpose.

One source of awkwardness is that the calibre-translations repo is not
versioned, so you either use whatever git master is at the time of
building, or else you use an archive created whenever you froze the sources.

>> That being said, given Debian deletes the plugin installer from the
>> menu, I'm not sure why Debian cares if plugins work.
> Huuu???? Maybe you are using something else, but **my** calibre has it:
> Preferences -> Plugins ... I can (and do!) install plugins, both from
> files as well as from the directory. And do updates.

"Preferences" has a dropdown action, which I suspect is the main way
people find the feature.

Partially removing the feature but still leaving it in there seems like
a very inaccurate way to address the (invalid) bug #640026, but I digress...

> You probably mean that piece of patch:
> --- calibre-debian.git.orig/src/calibre/gui2/actions/preferences.py
> +++ calibre-debian.git/src/calibre/gui2/actions/preferences.py
> @@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ class PreferencesAction(InterfaceAction)
>              pm.addAction(QIcon(I('config.png')), _('Preferences'), 
> self.do_config)
>          cm('welcome wizard', _('Run Welcome &wizard'),
>                  icon='wizard.png', triggered=self.gui.run_wizard)
> -        cm('plugin updater', _('Get plugins to enhance calibre'),
> -                icon='plugins/plugin_updater.png', 
> triggered=self.get_plugins)
>          if not DEBUG:
>              pm.addSeparator()
> ACtually I have no idea what it is undoing, because in my preference
> dialog I see and can update plugins, and grepping for get_plugins there
> are indeed several places where it is used.

I know *what* it's undoing, but I don't know *why*.

"What" it is doing, is removing the most visible method for downloading
plugins, thereby hiding the feature but leaving it available if you're
persistent enough.

If I had to take a wild guess, I'd think the idea is to discourage
people from using it without actually removing it...

> So bottomline, yes, Debian users *can* and *do* use plugins.

... meaning this is a deprioritized use case.

Eli Schwartz
Arch Linux Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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