On Wed, Dec 25, 2019 at 08:57:03AM +0200, Stefano Rivera wrote:
> Control: tag -1 +moreinfo +unreproducible
> Hi Clint (2018.11.25_05:15:04_+0200)
> > % beet import ../<TAB>
> > _beet:zregexparse:4: invalid regex : )
> > (with zsh 5.6.2-3)
> Works for me, with zsh 5.7.1-1+b1.
> Something changed in zsh? Or something unusual about the directory you
> were in?

Could you perform a successful beet completion and then paste the output of
`which _beet`. so I can contrast the zregexparse line against

        zregexparse -c _ra_p1 _ra_p2 "$_ra_line" $'/[^\0]##\0/' $'(' $'(' 
$'/-c\0/' $'/[^\0]##\0/' $':_ra_comp $\'file:file:_files\'' $'|' $'/-v\0/' $'|' 
$'/-l\0/' $'/[^\0]##\0/' $':_ra_comp $\'file:file:_files\'' $'|' $'/-h\0/' $'|' 
$'/-d\0/' $'/[^\0]##\0/' $':_ra_comp $\'dir:directory:_dirs\'' $'|' $'/[]/' 
$':_ra_comp $\'options:global options:(( -c\\\\:path\\\\ to\\\\ 
configuration\\\\ file -v\\\\:print\\\\ debugging\\\\ information 
-l\\\\:library\\\\ database\\\\ file\\\\ to\\\\ use -h\\\\:show\\\\ this\\\\ 
help\\\\ message\\\\ and\\\\ exit -d\\\\:destination\\\\ music\\\\ directory 
))\'' $')' $'#' $')' $')'

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