On Thu, Jan 02, 2020 at 10:42:57AM +0200, Harald Hannelius wrote:
> It seems like a restart of mimedefang was needed after an upgrade of
> spamassassin (and spamd). It might be the spamassassin package's
> responsibility to do that?

Cross-package coordination of this nature involves the dpkg triggers
facility documented in /usr/share/doc/dpkg-dev/triggers.txt.gz and

As an initial proposal, spamassassin could emit a "spamassassin-upgrade"
trigger, and mimedefang could register an interest in that.  So,
spamassassin would add the following to postinst:

  dpkg-trigger --no-await spamassassin-upgrade

Mimedefang would register an interest in the trigger via

  interest-noawait spamassassin-upgrade

And would restart itself via the following in postinst:

  if [ "$1" = "triggered" ] && [ "$2" = "spamassassin-upgrade" ]; then
      echo "restarting mimedefang because of spamassassin-upgrade trigger"
      invoke-rc.d mimedefang restart

I think that'd basically do it.

Does mimedefang only need to restart when spamassassin is upgraded, or
any time it restarts?  I.e if you simply invoke "systemctl restart
spamassassin.service", does mimedefang get stuck?  If so, we may need
some other kind of coordination.  We have a bit of a template for that
in the form of /etc/spamassassin/sa-update-hooks.d/, but nothing that
specifically addresses this issue.


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