On Mon, 27 Mar 2006, Ottavio Campana wrote:

> Roland Rosenfeld wrote:
> > I cannot reproduce this problem here, I still get a "normal size"
> > black cross cursor when I draw a line.
> > 
> > Maybe you configured a different X cursor font?
> > Did you install artwiz-cursor, big-cursor, comixcursors, oneko, xeji,
> > crystalcursors, or xcursor-themes or did you modify some of their
> > configurations?

> well, I don't have any of the package you listed. But I noticed I have
> libxcursor1, because it is needed by a lot of applications.
> I also have to say I'm using xorg 6.9 with the default configuration.
> How can I check if I have a not standard cursor font?

Good question, no idea.
What x-cursor-theme do you have enabled?
On my system I have the following (this is from xlibs-data):

# update-alternatives --display x-cursor-theme
x-cursor-theme - status is auto.
 link currently points to /etc/X11/cursors/core.theme
/etc/X11/cursors/core.theme - priority 30
/etc/X11/cursors/redglass.theme - priority 20
/etc/X11/cursors/whiteglass.theme - priority 20
/etc/X11/cursors/handhelds.theme - priority 20
Current `best' version is /etc/X11/cursors/core.theme.

Maybe this is the center of the problem?

> I'm having this problem on all the computer I'm using. Both newly
> installed etch and upgraded sarge.

Really strange.  I've never seen such a problem neither with sarge nor
with etch.



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