On 2020-01-13 23:10:09, Gabriele wrote:
> Hi
> May I ask to clarify what the request is about?

It's about shipping the austin-tui binary in Debian, in one form or the

> Is it for a new Debian package, e.g. austin-tui, to be produced so
> that it is easier to install the TUI? Or is it a request for providing
> the TUI already with the installation of the existing Austin package?

I don't mind either way. I guess the decision should be made based on
the dependencies the new binary would generate. If there's extra
undesired dependencies, I'd put it in a separate package, yes.

> At the moment, installation from the Github repository is, imho, easy
> enough. I would be a bit reluctant to create a dedicated package or
> ship the TUI as an official application because it is more of an
> example of how to use Austin than a properly maintained tool (although
> I appreciate that it can be quite useful; I use it quite frequently
> myself too).

After reading the README, I didn't feel the TUI app was an example as
much as the real thing. My thinking is that, out of the box, austin is
not very useful in itself... You need to pipe it into *something* to
have good results, and none of those "things" are really available in
Debian by default. So it would be nice if this could work better with
software in Debian, as opposed to telling people to install unreviewed
software from the internet...

> Anyway, once it is clearer to me what is being asked for with this
> issue report I can have a look and see what I can do :).

I hope that helps!

PHP was originally designed explicitly for non-programmers (and, reading
between the lines, non-programs); it has not well escaped its roots.
                         - Alex Munroe, PHP: a fractal of bad design

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