At Fri, 17 Jan 2020 08:31:22 -0400, David Bremner wrote:
> I tried both modes, at least to my inexpert eye they look the same.
> The hardware claims to be arm v7 (Freescale i.MX53). 
> (gdb)  set arm fallback-mode arm
> (gdb) disassemble
> Dump of assembler code for function malloc_stats:
>    0xb6ea324c <+0>:     ldr     r1, [pc, #328]  ; (0xb6ea3398 
> <malloc_stats+332>)
>    0xb6ea324e <+2>:     ldr     r2, [pc, #332]  ; (0xb6ea339c 
> <malloc_stats+336>)
>    0xb6ea3250 <+4>:     add     r1, pc
>    0xb6ea3252 <+6>:     ldr     r3, [pc, #332]  ; (0xb6ea33a0 
> <malloc_stats+340>)
> => 0xb6ea3254 <+8>:     stmdb   sp!, {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, lr}
>    0xb6ea3258 <+12>:    add     r3, pc

That certainly looks like a valid ARM instruction. Maybe the processor
is expecting Thumb instructions. What does `print $cpsr` report?

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