Control: tag -1 = confirmed upstream

Dear Salman,

Thank you for updating the steps to reproduce.

Salman Mohammadi <> writes:

> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. install the needed packages in Debian Sid:
>      $ sudo apt install elpa-elpy elpa-find-file-in-project
> 2. open emacs and activate python-mode
>      M-x python-mode
> 3. activate elpy-mode
>      M-x elpy-mode
> 4. run the following command
>      C-c C-f

Ah, now I see what the issue is.  An upstream issue on this topic was
opened about two years ago (IIRC...maybe more), and was closed upstream
after enhancing the documentation. A one-liner that mitigates this class
of known (upstream) limitations has been documented in

Please consult that file for an upstream-recommended method for starting
Elpy.  Hint: Elpy must be started with elpy-enable (not elpy-mode) and
python-mode must not be called before elpy-enable.  Use-package is an
alternative method that the current maintainer (Gaby Launay) now
recommends for MELPA users, but I haven't tested it.

IIRC, Jorgen Schaefer (creator of Elpy) wrote that he believed the cause
was a bug/limitation in the then-unmaintained python-mode, which is
built into Emacs.  I'm not sure if someone has stepped forward to
maintain and update python-mode since then, nor if it is possible and
wise to work around the alleged bug/limitation in python-mode from the
Elpy side.


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