retitle 949278 endless loop if ~/.config/libreoffice is a symlink
severity 949278 minor


On Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 09:22:55PM +0100, Pierre Bernhardt wrote:
> Am 20.01.20 um 11:14 schrieb Rene Engelhard:
> > You mean keep the .config/libreoffice and remove the old .libreoffice.
> No, really mean remove the link .config/libreoffice which points to 
> .libreoffice,
> remove .libreoffice

Exactly my point.

Remove the bogus link and let the "correct" one be generated.

> and then next start .config/libreoffice will be recreated by starting 
> libreoffice.


> However the loop itself is a bug and a symlink is not an error.

But you are not supposed to play tricks in stuff the applications
do not expect either. User config is tricky in this regard and this is
not a "save space" thing either. In fact, .config/libreoffice ->
.libreoffice was always wrongdoing to begin with.

As shown in the commits there is upstream migration code for this and
there was no need for any symlink here.
And the migration code LO 3 -> LO 4+ (or .libreoffice ->
.config/libreoffice) needs to know what it can expect.

> It is a regular tool to point to another place whenever it is wanted. Each 
> software should deal
> with them and if it is not allowed/supported, it should show a message e.g.
> displayed by an exception handling. But supporting a symlink is not really
> hard to support.

This case would then need a "way out" of a migration.

For a migration which happened almost two decades ago.

I don't believe upstream will invest time in this - they have more
important stuff on the plate...

> PS: Don't know how long the .libreoffice folder exists. It could be very long
> in the past maybe before libreoffice has to been forked from openoffice. Maybe
> I renamed/copied it from .openoffice to .libreoffice or whatever. But let us

LO 3.x (first LO was 3.3) did .libreoffice initially (as it was forked from
until it was renamed to .config/libreoffice in 2011 (see my referenced

Anyway, will try myself in a VM...



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