>> We do. But using a chroot to just build a source package is, in my
>> pointless

Actually not: source packages can differ depending on what
release they are built on.

>when I run dpkg-buildpackage -S, the build fails since I don't have the
>correct build dependencies installed:

This is another good point. While there’s -d, the clean stage
often fails with it, and sometimes, there are build dependencies
on debhelper things (needed for clean) that require a certain
init system to be installed, thus doing this in a chroot is sane.

That being said, I personally just do…

        DIST=something cowbuilder --login

… and run the dpkg-buildpackage -S (after installing the needed
B-D) in it, then copy out the stuff from /v/c/pb/build/*/.

[00:02] <Vutral> gecko: benutzt du emacs ?
[00:03] <gecko> nö          [00:03] <gecko> nur n normalen mac
[00:04] <Vutral> argl       [00:04] <Vutral> ne den editor
        -- Vutral und gecko2 in #deutsch (NB: Editor? Betriebssystem.)

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