
On Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 02:00:18PM +0100, Christoph Berg wrote:
> Hi,
> I just enabled the postgresql repo here:
> Holen:10 bullseye-pgdg/main Sources 
> [42,7 kB]
> Holen:11 bullseye-pgdg/main amd64 
> Packages [147 kB]
> Holen:12 bullseye-pgdg/main ppc64el 
> Packages [146 kB]
> I am on amd64, the ppc64el Packages file isn't useful.

Oh, damn; I was under the impression that other architectures would only
be downloaded if you've run 'dpkg --add-architecture <target>'. That's
not the case apparently, then.

> $ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/extrepo_postgresql.sources
> Components: main
> Types: deb deb-src
> Suites: bullseye-pgdg
> Uris:
> Architectures: amd64 ppc64el
> Signed-By: /var/lib/extrepo/keys/postgresql.asc
> Please don't include the Architectures line here, it should only be
> added by the user if they want to *exclude* some architectures
> otherwise enabled via dpkg `--add-architecture`. Perhaps adding the
> list as a comment makes sense.
> (On a similar ticket, should "deb-src" be include by default? At least
> a switch to configure that at "enable" time would be nice.)

I think it should. It doesn't hurt?

To the thief who stole my anti-depressants: I hope you're happy

  -- seen somewhere on the Internet on a photo of a billboard

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