On 1/22/20 6:54 PM, Tianon Gravi wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Jan 2020 at 09:40, Pelzi <pe...@feldner-bv.de> wrote:
>> I found the cure for the problem: the ESP partition was listed as fs type 
>> „msdos“ in fstab. Changing this to „vfat" made refind-install work for me.
> Ah nice catch!  So it sounds like at most, this should be an upstream
> feature request to have refind-install warn if fstab includes
> "/boot/efi" but it's not vfat or something like that?

Sorry for not responding earlier, but I've been suffering from an ear
infection lately that's made it hard to do much of anything.

In any event, refind-install already warns of this, and that warning was
shown in the output presented earlier:

> $ sudo refind-install
> ShimSource is none
> Installing rEFInd on Linux....
> The ESP doesn't seem to be mounted! Trying to find it....
> mount: /boot/efi: /dev/sda2 already mounted on /boot/efi.
> ////boot/efi doesn't seem to be on a VFAT filesystem. The ESP must be
> mounted at //boot or //boot/efi and it must be VFAT! Aborting!

That said, the warning could admittedly be more explicit that msdos is
not an acceptable filesystem driver in this context. OTOH, presenting a
disseration on the differences between the Linux vfat and msdos drivers
in this warning would be overkill. Probably changing "...it must be
VFAT!" to "...it must be VFAT (not msdos)!" would help. I've just pushed
that change to the rEFInd git repository.

Rod Smith

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