Hello Phil,

>Hi Adrien,
>I can use git that is not an issue, but I won't. gbp is a joke - look at
>fedora and pagure. I will put out RFS(s), which I have done, you merge
>them based on submission or not as I do not care. I have put time in and
>submitted updates. You explain to the community how submitters get
>treated. I am done with you lot and DM/DD power.

sorry if you felt bad for this...I admit I'm having not much time nowadays to 
keep up with RFS, and for newcomers the process is somewhat slower...I feel sad 
for your gbp sentence, I like instead it really a lot, next time (if you want 
of course),you can do something easy such as:git clone repocd repouscangbp 
import-orig --pristine-tar ../tarball.tar.gzdo your modifications and commitgbp 
dchfix changelogsend an email requesting sponsorhip without even having to do 
the RFS.
I don't think it is more difficult than your current workflow, but it makes 
easier to review single changes, and to know why you did and what (if 
commitmessages are self explanatory).
I have to say, at the end your work has gone into the archive, so the time was 
not lost at all, and I thank you for the nice contribution you did.
I only had to revert a Break relationship you had erroneously bumped, and 
everything else was nice on the first shot, something not easy to be seenon a 
first RFS bug.
Please let me know if you want to contribute more on Debian, I'm pretty sure 
you have the required skills to do it in the proper way, even if it might bea 
little bit more difficult than the Fedora approach (and trust me, it used to be 
even more difficult, now with salsa we at least have one common place forgit 

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