Hi Marc,

I'm replying directly to you so as not to spam the bug tracker.

Marc Glisse <marc.gli...@inria.fr> writes:

>>> I have no idea right now if the dependency on POT is a long term
>>> thing, or if it will disappear in a couple releases.
>> Off-topic for Debian, I guess, but: Have you considered Hera as a way to
>> get efficient Wasserstein distances?
> https://github.com/GUDHI/gudhi-devel/pull/182
> Yes I have, it is likely to be in the next release ;-)

Ah, cool, thanks for the heads up.

I see you're planning to keep Hera as a submodule. This may or may not
be a problem for the Debian GUDHI package, because Debian abhors
upstreams bundling other projects'. It may be OK since Hera does not
really provide an official library interface yet, nor is it present in
Debian (yet), but in the future it would probably be highly beneficial
if GUDHI could be compiled referring to an instance of the Hera headers
available at a specified location on the system instead of the bundled


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