Package: ahcpd
Version: 0.53-3
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

Please consider adding a native systemd unit masking the init
script (fixes the lintian tag in subject).

The init script looks pretty straight forward and should probably
easily convert to a unit very similar to an example from the

Since the daemon supports either forking or not (-D), you can
use either Type=forking or Type=simple (with or without -D flag).
(Even better would be if the service supported signaling readiness
via sd_notify "READY=1", which if implemented means you could
use Type=notify instead.)

I'm attaching my completely untested attempt at a service file
you could simply drop into debian/ahcpd.service and then debhelper
should do the rest of the magic.
If there are any questions please feel free to reach out. I'll happily
help out with improvements if you provide the testing and review (as I
don't actually use ahcpd myself).

One thing you might want to improve in the service file is the security
hardening settings. This requires intimate knowledge of what the daemon
does and what it needs access to, so I did not attempt this myself.
Even if it's not super tightly hardened, even just basic settings
can likely go a long way as a service running as root exposed on
the network would be a likely candidate for an attacker to try to

Andreas Henriksson
Description=Ad-Hoc Configuration Protocol

#ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c 'if [ -z "$INTERFACES" ]; then echo "no interfaces to 
operate on"; exit 1 ; fi'
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ahcpd -D $DAEMON_ARGS -- $INTERFACES
#TODO: security hardening flags

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