Package: nextcloud-desktop
Version: 2.5.1-3+deb10u1

Is really really rally slow on second boot (like 1 file / minute).
the bug was well know on Nextcloud-Bug-reporting-system and i found it
since Debian 10.0.0 was relased, apparently there is a internal crash:
[nextcloud/desktop] linux client crashes for no discernable reason (#1382)

i can see that the bug was not fixed in the last update of Debian 10 and
a workaround is to use owncloud-client package that is fast as expected
(100 file in some second), but is will show a warning message on boot
(something like... this is ownlcloud... use it with nextcloud at your risk)

i can test the package, also in a private way, with big load if it will
be necessary

i'm using Debian 10.3.0 with default GNU/Linux kernel - 64bit

sincerely Giancarlo Giesa

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