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On Monday, November 11 2019, pete wrote:

> Dear Maintainer,
>    I have some problems with MIME associations (browsers such as midori and 
> epiphany try to download local htm files instead of opening them), and I 
> encountered 
> this bug while solving these problems.
>    I ran mimeopen -d tmpa_crtoef.htm, selected midori and launched it. Same 
> thing 
> happens if I run midori tmpa_crtoef.htm.
>    midori tried to download this file, did not open it, and this file 
> disappeared. I 
> had to copy this file to the current directory and set chattr +i on it to 
> prevent 
> midori from deleting it. Epiphany also tries to download the file instead of 
> opening it, but it remains in place. Please do not delete my files! Thanks.

Thanks for the report.

It's not clear from your description whether tmpa_crtoef.htm is the
only file that triggers this behaviour, or if this happens with any file
when you try opening it with Midori.

I gave it a quick try with a simple file here and could not reproduce
the issue:

$ cat 1.htm
$ midori 1.htm
$ ls 1.htm

Can you provide more details, please?  For example, can you reproduce
this with any HTML file, or just with a specific one?  If the latter,
can you provide this file?


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