On Sun, 12 Jan 2020 11:37:30 +0100 Huub Reuver <hreu...@aoi-karin.net>
> A minimal configuration for opencpn includes at least the following
> plugins:
> - opencpn-plugin-objsearch
> - oesenc-pi
> - opencpn-plugin-draw
> I need charts, I need to notate and I need to find unknown locations.
> Without these opencpn is plainly useless.
> Those plugin packages are not available from Debian.
> First problem is gshhs dependency (there might be more).

Is this a static, package dependency? I cannot reproduce any such
problems on sid using:

  $ sudo apt install opencpn
  $ sudo apt install oesenc-pi opencpn-plugin-draw \
    opencpn-plugin-objsearch opencpn-sglock-amd64

and a ppa line in sources.list like:

deb [trusted=yes] http://ppa.launchpad.net/opencpn/opencpn/ubuntu \
    bionic main

So, could you please expand a little on the problem?


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