
On 25/02, Norbert Preining wrote:
> How am I supposed to disable this program?
> And no, I do *not* want to remove it, nor mask the service, because
> other uses are using i3 and are using dunst here.

The autostart part of dunst is managed by dbus, specifically the auto-activation
feature. Unfortunately dbus is not as powerful of a service manager as systemd
and it doesn't have a way to prioritise one service over another, or a way to
disable one while still keeping it installed.

So what can be done now?

I don't see a way to solve this other than removing the dbus service file
entirely, but for this to work and not break a lot of other systems we have to
auto-enable dunst for all desktop users on install

This is difficult because i3/X11 in debian doesn't run in systemd so we
can't explicitly say to only start dunst after the graphical session has
started. So it leaves the only option of having an auto-restart on failure every
X seconds (pretty ugly approach IMO, and it's going to spam the error logs if no
graphical session is started for a while).

Any other suggestions?

>From your side you can remove the service file at
/usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.knopwob.dunst.service and have the i3 users
enable dunst via systemd or enable it globally and disable it for yourself.

- Nikos

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