Hello Mattia, Patrick,

Thanks so much for proposing an AppArmor profile for HexChat.

I've got a few comments; I'll paste in the entire 'main' block of the
profile, and add my comments inline.:

## Copyright (C) 2014 troubadour <troba...@riseup.net>
## Copyright (C) 2014 - 2019 ENCRYPTED SUPPORT LP <adrela...@riseup.net>
## See the file COPYING for copying conditions.

   #include <abstractions/base>
   #include <abstractions/bash>
   #include <abstractions/fonts>
   #include <abstractions/kde>
   #include <abstractions/gnome>
   #include <abstractions/X>
   #include <abstractions/audio>

This should also #include <abstractions/nameservice>

   deny @{PROC}/** r,

   @{HOME}/ r,
   @{HOME}/.config/** rwk,
   @{HOME}/.xchat2/ r,
   @{HOME}/.xchat2/** rwixk,
   @{HOME}/.config/ r,
   @{HOME}/.config/hexchat/ r,
   @{HOME}/.config/hexchat/** rwixk,
   @{HOME}/.kde/share/config/gtkrc-2.0 r,
   @{HOME}/.kde/share/config/oxygenrc r,
   @{HOME}/.*/lib/python*/** r,

   /bin/grep rix,
   /bin/uname rix,
   /bin/mkdir rix,
   /bin/rm rix,

   /usr/bin/grep rix,
   /usr/bin/uname rix,
   /usr/bin/mkdir rix,
   /usr/bin/rm rix,

   /dev/tty rwix,
   /dev/null rw,

   /etc/passwd r,
   /etc/group r,
   /etc/host.conf r,
   /etc/hosts r,
   /etc/resolv.conf r,
   /etc/gai.conf r,
   /etc/nsswitch.conf r,

The lines between /etc/passwd and /etc/nsswitch.conf could be removed with
abstractions/nameservice added.

   /etc/ld.so.cache r,
   /etc/machine-id r,
   /etc/os-release r,
   /etc/xdg/xfce4/helpers.rc r,
   /etc/xfce4/defaults.list r,
   /etc/python*/sitecustomize.py r,

   /lib/*-linux-gnu/** mr,

This line is very broad -- and overlaps with a lot of the libraries listed
in abstractions/base -- if you found any libraries that are DENIED because
they don't match a rule already in abstractions/base, it would be best to
list them with a specific rule.

   /usr/bin/xchat rix,
   /usr/bin/xdg-open rix,
   /usr/bin/dbus-send rix,
   /usr/bin/xprop  rix,
   /usr/bin/exo-open rix,
   /usr/bin/sensible-browser rix,
   /usr/bin/zenity rix,
   /usr/bin/torbrowser rix,
   /usr/bin/basename rix,
   /usr/bin/kde4-config rix,
   /usr/bin/aplay rix,

I'm really worried about these. I can appreciate trying to provide a
profile that lets people click on links as usual, but actually running
these applications in hexchat's profile will lead to bugs.

This also means the hexchat profile may need to be much wider, just to
accomodate these other programs.

   /usr/lib/*-linux-gnu/** mrix,

This line is also very broad -- and shouldn't be needed with

   /usr/lib/xchat/plugins/* mr,
   /usr/lib/perl*/** mr,
   /var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/ r,

Granting permission to read this directory without permission to read the
*.desktop files is a bit wasted. What happens if this is denied?

   ## The Ux permission is too dangerous to be enabled by default.
   #/usr/lib/firefox-esr/firefox* Ux,

   /usr/lib/python*/lib-dynload/*.so mr,

   /usr/local/lib/python*/dist-packages/ r,
   /usr/local/lib/python*/dist-packages/* r,

   /usr/share/icons/** r,
   /usr/share/enchant/* r,
   /usr/share/myspell/dicts/ r,
   /usr/share/hunspell/ r,
   /usr/share/hunspell/* r,
   /usr/share/ca-certificates/** r,
   /usr/share/xfce4/helpers/* r,
   /usr/share/xfce4/applications/ r,
   /usr/share/xfce4/applications/mimeinfo.cache r,
   /usr/share/zenity/* r,
   /usr/share/fontconfig/** r,
   /usr/share/poppler/cMap/ r,
   /usr/share/poppler/cMap/** r,
   /usr/share/perl*/** mr,
   /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.5/* r,
   /usr/share/pyshared/* r,
   /usr/share/aspell/ r,
   /usr/share/aspell/** r,

   /var/lib/aspell/* r,

   /run/*/resolv.conf r,

This shouldn't be needed with abstractions/nameservice added.

I know that the helper applications is a difficult point here. The more
secure option is to prevent them from being used. The friendliest option
is to use PUx execution rules to either launch them confined, if the user
has profiles for them, or unconfined, if the user doesn't have profiles.

But having an unconfined way out of the profile drastically reduces the
value of the profile.

Desktop applications are difficult to confine because many users want to
use them to do everything. Other users don't mind some restrictions for
security gains. And it's very hard to provide one profile for both.

It may not make sense to enable the profile by default. I'd rather have
the tighter profile, without helper applications, but that may not reflect
what most users would actually want.


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