Control: forwarded -1

On Wed, 26 Feb 2020 14:17:20 +0000 Alain Ducharme
<> wrote:
> This error means that your settings.json config file has been corrupted or is 
> not correctly formatted for the micro version you are using.
> Most likely scenario: you ran micro v2.x.x, which changes the setttings.json 
> format, then tried to go back to using v1.x.x.
> Solution:
> rm ~/.config/micro/settings.json
> Or to start from fresh and wipe all of micro's configuration:
> rm -r ~/.config/micro

I need to use both versions as I share the home directory between buster
and sid. I have opened an issue upstream for better handling of such
cases by possibly versioning the setting.config format and giving better
error message in case of unsupported versions.

Hopefully this issue will go away once micro 2.x is backported to buster.

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