Hi Russell,

Am 29.02.20 um 11:42 schrieb Russell Coker:
> I'm just trying to get 3.3.0 to build and I'm stuck on the micro-ECC part.  
> The latest version of Warzone2100 in Unstable has patches to remove use of 
> the 
> 3rdparty directory.  But it seems that we don't have Micro ECC (uECC.h) by 
> Kenneth MacKay in Debian.
> Should I keep the 3rdparty version of that or should I package Micro ECC 
> which 
> is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license?

Thank you for working on Warzone2100. I believe you don't need to
package Micro ECC. The upstream project doesn't seem to be active
anymore and h2o is the only other source package in Debian (according to
codesearch.debian.net) that makes use of it.



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