Package: lintian
Severity: wishlist

From debian-devel:

On 3/3/20 7:35 AM, Edward Betts wrote:
> When I originally packaged uap-core upstream was not producing any releases.
> I was using the most recent commit to master on github with the date for the
> version number. The initial version was 20180219-1

This seems like a good thing for Lintian to check. Anyone creating
date-based version numbers like this (as opposed to 0~YYYYMMDD or
similar) could run into the same problem if upstream starts tagging

I propose that lintian check for "large" version numbers (e.g.
/^(\d+:)?[0-9]{4}/) and flag them as possibly date-based and suggest
some other format (e.g. 0~YYYYMMDD).

There are plenty of existing packages with version numbers like this.
Adding epochs to all of them at this point isn't helpful. So it probably
makes sense to skip the warning if there is a previous changelog entry
and it also trips the same check. That way, people would be flagged on
A) new packages, and B) if they change to this version format.


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