On Thu 2020-03-05 15:57:18 -0800, Felix Lechner wrote:
> I do not have much experience with PE32+, but I believe that turning
> off structured exception handling (i.e. setting 'no-SEH') is a
> potential security issue. Please consider this from the PE Format
> guide:

[ very informative details snipped ]

> As a positive, you may not encounter the tag for much longer. It was
> marked both pedantic and experimental, and may be removed in the
> future.

it was showing up for me as an "E:" (error) not P: (pedantic) or

> We would very much welcome any helpful suggestions, if you have
> experience with PE32+ executables. You are also welcome to close this
> bug.

I'm afraid i have very little experience in this domain (i haven't run a
system that makes native use of PE32+ executables in years), and was
just trying to do what seemed like the sensible thing recommended by

If you think win-iconv should not be fiddling with these bits during the
build, please feel free to go ahead and fix up win-iconv as well --
0.0.8-4 introduced this process.


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