Hello Jeffrey,

Am 06.03.20 um 19:49 schrieb Jeffrey Ratcliffe:
>    * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or
>      ineffective)?
> Upgraded to 1:68.5.0-1
>    * What was the outcome of this action?
> I use lightning to view several calendar, both read-write and read-only. Since
> 1:68.5.0-1, the Synchronise, Event, Task, Edit and Delete buttons are ghosted
> out. The menu button is not, but does not respond to clicks.
> The list of calendars in the Calendar drop-down on the left hand side seems
> empty, although the events are displayed in the main window, although
> transparent - not in the colours they should be displayed in. I can view the
> events, but not edit them.

that's in the end no that much of information you provide to narrow down
the root for this issue.

The small issue description sounds to me like a possible access right
problem within the profile but could also be a lot of other possibilities.

The Debian wiki is holding some generic steps and suggestions to find
the staring culprit. Have you looked into this already?


In your case you will need to disable all AddOns and only keep lightning

Your description lacks (but also the screenshot) completely were the
calendar(s) are placed and how they configured for local usage. Have you
checked that the server is providing valid data and also provide a login?

What is happen if you create a new profile and add the calendar resources?
The credentials and also certificates are correct?

Have you installed some AddOns locally? Can you remove them?

What do you have tried to catch up the root for your issue?

It's highly unlikely that lightning is broken by the latest update, we
are ove the middle of the release cycle for ESR 68.x and we never did
see something similar in the past. So my assumption and the most logical
thing is that simply something in your profile is misbehaving due
incompatibility. Quite most of the bug reports like yours are falling in
that category.

Carsten Schoenert

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