Hi Damyan,

On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 10:29 AM Damyan Ivanov <d...@debian.org> wrote:
> Any idea how many packages are we talking about?

Below is my working list for filing bugs. It is based on a full text
search from codesearch.d.n.

My designations may not be entirely consistent, but in general 'good'
means that verify_SSL was turned on (or SSL_verify_mode was set in
SSL_options) while 'fpos' means it was a false positive that mentioned
HTTP::Tiny but did not use it.

As a side note, the POD for HTTP::Tiny is ambiguous whether to use
'verify_SSL' or 'SSL_verify'.

If we fix the issue on the consumer side, as suggested by the security
team, we should also include the consumers of many libraries on this
list, such as HTTP::Thin. Please see #954057 for details.

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

#954040 cpanminus
#954041 cpanoutdated
 [good] devscripts
#954042 inxi
 [fpos] libalien-gnuplot-perl
#954043 libcpan-common-index-perl
#954044 libcpan-perl-releases-perl
#954045 libcpanplus-perl
#954046 libcpan-sqlite-perl
 [http] libdancer2-perl
 [http] libdancer-perl
 [fpos] libdbix-class-schema-loader-perl
#954054 libdist-inkt-role-test-perl
 [fpos] libfile-slurp-perl
#954051 libgitlab-api-v4-perl
 [fpos] libhijk-perl
#954056 libhtml-html5-parser-perl
 [fpos] libhttp-lite-perl
#954057 libhttp-thin-perl
#954058 libhttp-tinyish-perl
 [????] libio-socket-ssl-perl
 [fpos] liblexical-accessor-perl
 [good] libmenlo-legacy-perl
#954059 libmenlo-perl
#954083 libmetacpan-client-perl
 [fpos] libmodule-corelist-perl
 [fpos] libmongodb-perl
 [test] libmoo-perl
#954084 libnanomsg-raw-perl
 [fpos] libnet-ssleay-perl
#954085 libpandoc-wrapper-perl
 [fpos] libparallel-forkmanager-perl
#954089 libplack-perl
 [good] libprotocol-acme-perl
#954048 libwww-oauth-perl
 [fpos] libyahc-perl
 [good] ntp
 [fpos] percona-toolkit
 [fpos] pinto
#954038 pkg-perl-tools
#954047 pmuninstall

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