On Sat, 22 Feb 2020 10:54:23 +0100 Kay Hayen <kay.ha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> this is not explained in the FAQ, but the way I have done it is like this
> (in build-depends, removed irrelevant parts):
>                python (>= 2.6.6-2) | base-files (>= 11),
>                python-all-dbg (>= 2.6.6-2) | base-files (>= 11),
>                python-all-dev (>= 2.6.6-2) | base-files (>= 11),
>                python-setuptools | base.files (>= 11),
>                scons,
>                python3-all-dev (>= 3.3),
>                python3-all-dbg (>= 3.3),
>                python3-setuptools,
>                python-appdirs  | base-files (>= 11),
>                python3-appdirs | base-files (<< 7.2),
>                python-pil | python-imaging | base-files (>= 11),
>                python3-pil | base-files (<< 11),
> The reason being, that Nuitka is built for older Debian and Ubuntu
> distributions in Neurodebian as well. This is not pretty, but has been a
> strategy used for a long time now, although more reduced, see the Python3
> appdirs dependency.
> In dependencies there is then this:
>          python3-appdirs | base-files (<< 7.2),
>          python-dev (>= 2.6.6-2) | base-files (>= 11),
>          python3-dev,
>          ${misc:Depends},
>          ${python:Depends},
>          ${python3:Depends}
> That should not cause an issue. I have a bullseye based builder, where my
> package doesn't build, but the next one will (some rules check to discover
> Debian 11 fails on "testing", but not for "unstable"), and I had to make
> actual fixes with e.g. the tests not using "

Actual uploads to the Debian archive always take the first build-depend if 
there are alternatives, so it doesn't work as you have it now.  It'll pull in 

If you want to use this kind of approach, put base-files first for the python 
ones that aren't needed for the archive.

Scott K

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