On Sat, Mar 21, 2020 at 12:20 PM Emilio Pozuelo Monfort
<po...@debian.org> wrote:
> On 21/03/2020 06:33, László Böszörményi (GCS) wrote:
> > Multilevel transition needed for a while including for the grpc
> > package. Rebuilt reverse dependencies on amd64 and got the following
> > results.
> This conflicts with the ruby transition. Can't grpc be uploaded without that
> python build-dep? Is there a reason to tie that fix to this transition?
 When that's going to be finished?
But to answer your question, Pirate tried a new grpc version with the
protobuf version in Sid, see #946194. It was looking good first, but
was not working correctly in all cases. Do you want me to upload a
fixed (removed that Python2 build dependency) Sid version of grpc and
when the ruby2.7 transition is over do upload the more recent grpc
version from experimental with the protobuf transition?


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