
On Fri, Apr 3, 2020, at 3:52 AM, Thierry HUCAHRD wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Mar 2020 21:25:09 +0200 Thierry HUCAHRD 
> <thie...@ordissimo.com> wrote:
> > I don't understand why this bug is still open.
> > I know that some libraries like curl and openssl were not thread-safe,
> > which could have explained it.
> > The argument used in the post is that fitz is not mature.
> > That was in 2013.
> > There are some patches to solve this problem :
> > www.linuxfromscratch.org/patches/blfs/svn/mupdf-1.16.1-shared_libs-1.patch
> > 
> Providing a static library is a choice of Artiflex.
> It is not based on anything that can justify this choice.
> What is more questionable is that debian validly chooses it!

The static library is the build configuration supported by upstream. Any 
changes that deviate from the upstream configuration will need to be supported 
by Debian, essentially a fork. Note that building as static library or dynamic 
library could produce subtly different binary and behavior.

As the maintainer of this package in Debian I have no intention to provide such 
support. I think path forward for you will be either convince upstream to 
support it and thus Debian or fork it with a different name.


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