To those interested in Bazel in Debian:

We just had a very positive discussion with upstream and I think that
finally getting Bazel into Debian is on the horizon. This endeavor is going
to be larger than one person, in the long run if not right at this moment.

Therefore, I would like to create a Bazel packaging team in Debian since a
team approach is what will ensure this build system remains viable and
well-supported even after the short-term goal of helping to get software
into Debian to address the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you are subscribed to this bug and are interested (or know someone who
is), please let me know if you would like to be part of that team in some
capacity. I am happy to continue coordinating this team and I am equally
happy to pass that responsibility on if anyone else has a strong desire to
do that. Since Kyle was previously working this project by himself, I
definitely defer to him if he has the time and desire to lead the new team.

Looking forward to getting a good group of people together who can
contribute to this, to whatever extent they are able!


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