control: tags -1 + wontfix

> The tests are run during build like this:
> python$$v -c "import sys ; sys.path.insert(0, 
> './tmp/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/') ; import numpy; numpy.test(verbose=5)"
> but numpy.test returns a boolean True/False to indicate whether it
> passed or failed, not raising an exception or anything else that would
> cause python to exit with a non-zero code. Simple, untested, patch
> attached.

sadly it is not that simple.

With just the recent upload of numpy/1.8.3 there are 4 release
architectures where tests are failing:

If i enable build failures for test failures, it means the new version
of numpy will never transition to testing until those tests failures
get fixes; given the relative small footprint of those archs, it's
unlikely this will be a timely process, so it could pass weeks, if not
months before they get fixed, if ever.

This is not an acceptable process.

We could skip the failing tests, but then at every new upload we're
have to remove the skip instructions and re-assess what tests are
failing: it will just be extra work and obtain the same result as of

For all that's said above, i'm tagging this but as wontfix, but leave
it open for others to express their opinion

Sandro "morph" Tosi
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