Hi Lev,

I most wanted to get Jos in the loop as the developer of eye.  Packagers
working together with developers/maintainers saves a lot of work :)

        Cheers --- Jan

On 4/28/20 12:49 PM, Lev Lamberov wrote:
Hi Jan,

Вт 28 апр 2020 @ 11:22 Jan Wielemaker <j.wielema...@vu.nl>:

Hi Lev, Jos,

For Jos, the problem is that eye installs as a SWI-Prolog saved state,
which is highly version dependent and this is difficult to deal with
given the Debian dependency and upgrade policy (Lev, hope this is the
right summary, please correct if not).

I has a little look at eye and I wonder why we need the state.  eye.pl
isn't that big and loads in about 0.12 sec on my machine.  Without a
state, eye seems to run easily using the simple script

swipl -g main /path/to/eye.pl "$@"

Or by installing eye.pl as the actual executable and start is using

#!/bin/env swipl

and use somewhere in the file

:- initialization(main,main).

Would it make sense to go this route?  If not, why not?  Is the
somewhat longer startup time an issue?

        Thanks --- Jan

I'm sending your message to the bug report and to Jonas Smedegaard.
Please, send your further replies to 958...@bugs.debian.org


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